AUSTIN—Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation commended President Trump for his “Kids First: Getting America’s Children Safely Back to School” effort, which will provide guidance and resources to ensure that kids can get the in-person learning they need this fall.
“If we care about the future of our children—and our nation—we must make sure that our kids don’t suffer an indefinite interruption of their educations,” says TPPF Executive Director Kevin Roberts. “The scientific evidence clearly shows that we can reopen schools safely, and using proven strategies, provide the positive, dedicated learning environment that so many of our kids require.”
“Reopening plans can—and should—prioritize family and community safety, practice common sense, and still make room for parents to decide which educational setting they’re most comfortable with,” says TPPF’s Emily Sass. “The Administration is providing practical support for districts navigating this process, such as providing face coverings for use in schools and making CDC teams available to assist any district that asks.
“Parents are in the best position to decide what’s safe for their children, and what makes the most sense for their family circumstances. What they need right now is flexibility. Schools should be working with parents to provide options to meet their families’ needs. For many families, including single-parent households and families of students with special needs, that means in-person schooling; we cannot deny them that option.”