It’s election season, which means Texas local governments are, once again, asking voters to approve huge quantities of new debt.

In fact, according to the Bond Review Board’s bond election database, Texas cities, counties, school districts, and special districts are seeking voter-approval for 199 separate propositions in all, which are worth a combined $24.4 billion (principal only). As in years past, school districts represent the bulk of governmental entities looking to borrow, with 131 of the 199 propositions coming on account of ISDs. Interestingly, one school district, Prosper ISD, is responsible for four of those propositions, which together total $2.8 billion. That is the largest bond package to be decided this November. Other sizeable measures include Harris County Hospital District’s $2.5 billion single-item bond proposition and Conroe ISD’s nearly $2 billion bond package.

A list of Texas’ 25 most expensive bond propositions can be found below. A complete list of proposed bonds and other details can be viewed using the link above.