The Texas Public Policy Foundation released a short documentary exposing the damage a massive wind power project will cause to America’s fishing industry and the marine environment off the coasts of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York.
The film, “A Heavy Wind: The Threat to an American Heritage,” tells the story of families that have sustainably fished the north Atlantic for generations, but now face the elimination of their livelihoods from foreign owned windfarm operations. TPPF filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for approving the projects in violation of several legal protections for affected stakeholders.
“There is a tremendous human cost to the wind farm project that the Biden administration and people across the country shouldn’t ignore,” said TPPF’s Executive Director and General Counsel Robert Henneke. “Fishing is an integral part of the region’s fabric and culture. It’s an American heritage and birthright to many communities, and a way of life for these families going back several generations. The federal government can’t allow foreign investment to drop in and devastate an entire industry while doing untold damage to the environment all on a whim.”
The film was written and directed by TPPF’s production director Stephen Robinson and the cinematography was done by TPPF’s videographer Alex Quintana. The documentary was filmed on location in Rhode Island at the end of 2021.
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