Following Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s roundtable discussing public safety issues, the Texas Public Policy Foundation and its Citizens Defense and Right on Crime campaigns commend the Governor for his support in providing police officers with the best possible training and funding to ensure “a safer future for the state of Texas,”

Randy Petersen, Senior Researcher with the Citizens Defense Campaign:

“We know improving policing, a core function of government, is best achieved through better training and better hiring. We applaud the Governor for prioritizing this effort to ensure law enforcement can keep all Texans safe and keep Texas a law and order state.”

Derek Cohen, Policy Director of Right on Crime:

“Governor Abbott has correctly identified the critical need for bail reform. There have been too many victims to continue the status quo, and too many wasted taxpayer dollars with no benefit to public safety.”

Doug Deason, Texas Public Policy Foundation Board Member:

“Public safety should be a priority of every criminal justice policy. Governor Abbott has recognized that bail is no exception. Risk-based assessment tools are needed to keep dangerous criminals off the streets while ensuring that low-risk individuals don’t sit in jail simply because they can’t afford bail. It’s time to finish what we started last session while putting public safety first.”