AUSTIN, Texas – At a press conference today, the president of the Texas Public Policy Foundation praised the reforms found in House Bill 2 as “good for all Texans.”

“These reforms mean a lot to me, as I consider their impact on my son,” said Brooke Rollins. “All Texas children deserve to be educated in schools that promote, and are held to, the highest standards.”

Rollins said HB2 offers greater accountability for student academic outcomes and school financial operations.

“Just as the bill uses end of course exams to measure a student’s academic performance, it also sends all tax increase measures to the voters as a way to ensure fiscal accountability.”

Teachers would receive greater influence over their classroom, and protection from frivolous lawsuits.

Rollins praised the House and Senate education committees for bringing forward plans that will improve public education.

“Despite what the opponents say, Representative Grusendorf and Senator Shapiro are bringing out legislation that will make Texas schools better for children, parents, teachers and taxpayers.”
