We are at an important turning point in the process of re-opening Texas. Today, Governor Greg Abbott announced a new phase in Texas’ reopening. It is another step in the right direction, but we still have much work to do.
I am very concerned when I see politicians trying to use this crisis to further their own political agenda. To see the Speaker of the U.S. House introduce a $3 trillion liberal wish list that funds big-government projects unrelated to the crisis at hand is not only a dereliction of duty, it is insulting. That it was done without debate—and by “proxy vote”—should concern us all.
Likewise, so many of our Texas mayors and county officials have taken actions well beyond their legal powers by issuing dictates and restrictions on our fellow Texans. These actions, if unchecked, could result in lasting harm to our freedoms. It’s not an exaggeration to say they threaten what it means to be Texan.
I am an optimist at heart. I also know there are challenges ahead. But we Texans are fiercely independent, self-reliant, hardworking, and always ready to lend a hand to our neighbors in need, especially in times of crisis.
I believe strongly that we need to do everything we can to get Texans back to work as quickly and as safely as possible.
It’s in that spirit that we at TPPF plan to lead by example. As of today, I am pleased to have you be one of the first to know that TPPF headquarters has been reopened. We will return in a responsible way, of course. I care deeply about the safety and welfare of our staff and all who walk through our doors. But it is time for all Texans to heed the call to get Texas reopened. Over these past two months, though our building has been largely closed, our mission has not waivered. Our resolve to defend our freedoms has only grown stronger. While most of my colleagues have not been able to work from our wonderful headquarters in downtown Austin, they have been incredibly innovative and worked harder than ever. In fact, some of TPPF’s best work has come about as a result of these the last few months. There is no question in my mind, the cause of liberty has no walls. But within the physical walls of TPPF at 901 Congress Avenue, we will be returning to work to shine the light of liberty across our great state.
On behalf of all of my colleagues at TPPF, thank you for your steadfast friendship and support! TPPF is strongest when our state and country need her most. Thank you for making our work possible and for allowing TPPF to stand very strong during these times.
May God bless you and may God continue to bless Texas!