AUSTIN – The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) Center for Economic Freedom Policy Analyst Kathleen Hunker testified today before the Texas Senate Business & Commerce Committee on Senate Bill 1185, relating to a biennial study regarding occupational licensing requirements. 

"Thanks to the advent of crowd-source reviews like Yelp and Angie's List, many of Texas' occupational licenses are directed at a group of problems which, in large part, no longer exist,” said Hunker. “Senate Bill 1185 simply recognizes that new technology has made the current regulatory regime somewhat obsolete. It acknowledges the role government plays in protecting consumers, but asks the state to justify restricting Texans' right to earn an honest living based on risks consumers face today, not the fears of yesteryear."
To schedule an interview with Ms. Hunker, please contact Caroline Espinosa at [email protected] or 512-472-2700.

Kathleen Hunker is a policy analyst with the Center for Economic Freedom at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.  

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.

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