AUSTIN – The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) released the following statements in response to the executive order on federal education signed by President Trump yesterday. The order calls for the executive branch to protect and preserve state and local control over education. From Dr. Kevin Roberts, Executive Vice President of TPPF: “TPPF enthusiastically supports the Education Federalism Executive Order, which begins the long process of correcting forty years of federal overreach in K-12 education. Federal involvement makes education more expensive and more bureaucratic––and most of all, less focused on what is best for each child. Yesterday, by quoting Thomas Jefferson's timeless reminder that 'states can best govern our home concerns,' President Trump has signaled a return to true federalism in education.” From Chip Roy, director of the Center for Tenth Amendment Action at TPPF: “All Americans who desire local and parental control of their schools should be encouraged by President Trump's Executive Order to roll back federal education regulations. For too long, Washington bureaucrats have been forcing top-down testing and requirements on our children, disregarding the non-existent Constitutional role for the federal government in education.” From Stephanie Matthews, director of the Center for Education Freedom at TPPF: “TPPF applauds President Trump and the recognition that parents, not the federal government, are best equipped to choose the right education for their children. Texas parents overwhelmingly support educational options for their children and welcome new opportunities that anti-school choice unions have stymied for years.”