AUSTIN – Texas Public Policy Foundation Director of the Center for Education Freedom Kent Grusendorf issued the following statement on the Senate Education Committee passage of Senate Bill 4, relating to school-choice programs for certain students eligible to attend public school:
“I congratulate the Texas Senate Education Committee on its passage of SB 4 to provide school choice to some Texas students. Although our goal at TPPF is to provide every child an alternative to the current ‘single option’ system based only on ZIP code, today’s action is a step forward. We look forward to working with this legislature to provide similar opportunities for many more Texas children.”
The Honorable Kent Grusendorf, is Director of the Center for Education Freedom at TPPF, he Arlington in the Texas Legislature for twenty years, focusing on education. Serving on the House Public Education Committee and various Select Committees, he played a significant role in crafting legislative responses to the Edgewood I, Edgewood II, Edgewood III, Edgewood IV, and West Orange Cove school-finance court decisions.
The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.