AUSTIN – Texas Public Policy Foundation's Senior Health Care Policy Analyst John Davidson authors The IRS Persists in today's National Review Online.
From the piece:
"The desire of the Obama administration to censor the political speech of conservative nonprofits has found a sympathetic audience in Texas, of all places, where the editors of the San Antonio Express-News last week made the case that state lawmakers should revive their failed efforts to require 501(c)(4) nonprofits in Texas to disclose their high-dollar donors. To those who fear repercussions, the editors say: ‘Too bad. In a democracy, politics is supposed to be open and transparent.' The newspaper thus joins the ranks of those on the left – and many in the Texas legislature – who hide behind the rhetoric of transparency in order to suppress political speech. …
"When news broke last year that the Internal Revenue Service had targeted conservative groups seeking tax-exempt nonprofit status ahead of the 2012 elections, President Obama called the agency's conduct ‘intolerable and inexcusable' and promised to ensure that ‘such conduct never happens again.' Instead, he ordered the IRS to make such conduct official by clamping down on the ability of 501(c)(4) nonprofits to engage in political speech in the first place, regulating many of them out of existence. …
"That, of course, is the real purpose of the IRS rules – to finish what the agency's ‘intolerable and inexcusable' conduct started four years ago."
John Davidson is available to further discuss this issue. To schedule interviews please contact Kristen Indriago at [email protected] or 512.472.2700. Davidson's media-expert guide can be accessed here
The article can be read in its entirety here:
John Davidson is a senior policy analyst for the Center for Health Care Policy with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.
The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin.
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