AUSTIN, TX—The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) today released A Glass Darkly: On the Need for Greater Transparency Regarding Federal funds Going Directly to Texas Local Governments. The paper, by Dr. Thomas Lindsay, director of the Center for Higher Education, examines the affect federal funds have on the regulation of Texas’ economy.
“Federal funds that go directly to Texas’ political subdivisions affect the Texas economy as a whole. But regulation of Texas’ economy is, under the U.S. Constitution, a power that belongs to the state government, not the federal government. The Texas state government needs to take a full reckoning of federal grants sent directly to local governments, because
these funds are never ‘free’—they come with federal requirements that build spending requirements into the system. We need to implement a system to monitor and evaluate federal funding to local governments. Through this, Texas would have the information available to be more strategic in its partnerships with the federal government.”
To read the full publication, please visit:
To schedule an interview with Dr. Lindsay, please contact Caroline Espinosa at [email protected] or 512-472-2700.
Dr. Tom Lindsay is director of the Center for Higher Education at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Registration for the 2017 Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature is now open to media and the public! The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas. |