Austin — Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation released the following statement in response to President Trump’s executive order on Obamacare:

“To the extent the President is simply reversing previous Obama rule-making, which will be clear upon seeing the actual proposed rules, we applaud the initiative to lessen the burden that Obamacare has inflicted upon millions of American families and households,” said Chip Roy, Director of the Center for Tenth Amendment Action. “While true relief can only come through a full repeal of Obamacare’s cost-driving regulatory framework, the executive order issued today has the potential to alleviate some of the pain that Americans are experiencing under this catastrophic law. Specifically, the prohibitions currently in place on short-term health plans and association health plans are unnecessarily restrictive and we’re hopeful that these regulations will be rolled back within the appropriate use of Executive authority. Americans deserve a healthcare system where they are able to purchase affordable health insurance tailored to their specific health needs.”

“While final judgment, both in terms of policy impact and constitutionality, will be reserved until the relevant agencies have issued their proposed rules, today should be a hopeful day for many Americans,” Roy continued. “These actions will not ultimately end the pain that Obamacare has inflicted. That responsibility ultimately lies with Congress. But they could provide new and meaningful options for many who have seen narrowing networks, diminished quality of care, and increasing costs.”

For more information or to request an interview with Mr. Roy, please contact Alicia Pierce at [email protected] or 512-472-2700.   

Chip Roy is the director of the Center for Tenth Amendment Action at Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit free-market research institute based in Austin. The Texas Public Policy Foundation aims to advance a societal framework that effectively fosters human flourishing based upon cooperation and mutually beneficial exchange of ideas and speech.

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