Austin – Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation praised the Trump Administration’s decision to repeal the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era job-killing regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency. The result will mean greater reliability of the country’s electrical grid and protect Americans from skyrocketing energy costs. 
“Today’s decision is a win for the American people because it means they can continue to count on reliable energy,” said Chip Roy, TPPF’s director of the Center for the Tenth Amendment Action. “Energy powers our lives, our schools, our hospitals. It heats our homes, keeps the lights on, and makes sure our cell phones and laptops stay charged. The Clean Power Plan would have put all of that in jeopardy through less reliability and skyrocketing prices. We look forward to working with the EPA as the process of eliminating this harmful rule moves forward.”
“The move by the EPA resets the board with respect to the unprecedented vast authority the agency claimed during the previous administration,” said Robert Henneke, TPPF’s general counsel and director of the Center for the American Future. “Individual states and the free market will again be allowed the freedom to determine how best to generate and regulate energy.  This improves outcomes and confidence in reliability for businesses and households around the country, and especially in states like Texas. The administration has taken a positive step forward in returning power back to states and American families.”

For more information or to request an interview with Mr. Roy or Mr. Henneke, please contact Alicia Pierce at [email protected] or 512-472-2700.      

Chip Roy is the director of the Center for Tenth Amendment Action at Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The Honorable Robert Henneke is general counsel and director of the Center for the American Future at Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit free-market research institute based in Austin. The Texas Public Policy Foundation aims to advance a societal framework that effectively fosters human flourishing based upon cooperation and mutually beneficial exchange of ideas and speech.
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