AUSTIN – The Texas Public Policy Foundation and its allies will hold a press conferenceTOMORROW, Tuesday, December 2nd, at 10:00 a.m. CST, in the Senate Press Room of the Texas State Capitol. Policy experts will call for decisive action from the 84th Texas Legislature on school choice in the Lone Star State. The myths about school choice hackneyed by special interests will be addressed and dismissed, while facts from programs that already exist will be introduced. The Texas Public Policy Foundation will also release a new paper titled “Stop the Middle Class Decline: Enact School Choice for All.” 

  • Kent Grusendorf, Director, Center for Education Freedom, TPPF
  • Alan Parker, President, The Justice Foundation
  • Peggy Venable, Senior States Policy Advisor & Texas Policy Director, Americans for Prosperity Foundation   


WHAT:         Press Conference for School Choice Action in the 84th Texas Legislature
WHEN:   TOMORROW, Tuesday, December 2, 2014
    10:00 a.m. CST
WHERE:   Senate Press Room 2E.9
    Texas State Capitol


The Honorable Kent Grusendorf, Senior Fellow for Education, represented Arlington in the Texas Legislature for twenty years, focusing on education. Serving on the House Public Education Committee and various Select Committees, he played a significant role in crafting legislative responses to the Edgewood I, Edgewood II, Edgewood III, Edgewood IV, and West Orange Cove school-finance court decisions.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.

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