This commentary originally appeared in Forbes on January 23, 2016.
Drowned out by reports of the campus protests over the past few months, a few higher-education news stories from 2015 failed to get much of a hearing. Yet three events, in Florida, Wisconsin, and Missouri, might speak directly to the attention-grabbing protest stories. Two of these stories have to do with moves recently taken to alter or abolish tenure.
A public college, the State College of Florida, recently announced that it will be ending tenure. In practice, though not in principle, tenure is a guarantee of employment for life once a professor has satisfied all job requirements. Depending on the institution, tenure is usually awarded after five or six years of probationary status. “Post-tenure review” is a process designed to ensure that tenured faculty continue to do their jobs. That said, in practice, relatively few professors are fired as a result of post-tenure review.
Going forward, State College of Florida professors will receive annual employment contracts. It will now be up to the college to decide whether the contracts are renewed or not. The change is being “grandfathered in,” which means that it will apply only to newly hired faculty. Those already in possession of tenure will continue to enjoy it.
The college’s faculty opposed the measure, calling it a violation of academic freedom that will make it harder for the school to recruit truly excellent faculty. But, according to one report, the board of trustees of the college views tenure as an obstacle to excellence in education. One board member, Lori Moran, cited one professor whose “ranting” to the class merited dismissal, which tenure makes more difficult. “I support academic freedom, but academic freedom is not academic immunity,” remarked another trustee, Craig Trigueiro.
Moreover, the Walker budget takes $250 million from the University of Wisconsin’s budget and transfers it to expand the state’s school voucher program. In response, the university will lay off or fail to fill approximately 400 positions. The remaining employees are scheduled to receive no pay increases. The Wisconsin Legislature also has frozen tuition for in-state students, compelling universities to economize further.
As was the case with the State College of Florida’s move, the faculty of the University of Wisconsin argued strenuously against the Walker initiatives. For his part, the governor responded by urging professors to work harder at teaching students, which I discussed here.
Walker’s changes in the status of tenure will have the effect of shifting some power from the faculty to the university’s board of regents. Such strengthening of university boards is a measure that has long been called for by higher-education reformers, who argue that the declines in both higher-education affordability and in teaching quality can only be addressed by boards of trustees, not by faculty or administrators. Former Yale president and current chairman of the CUNY board agrees, arguing, “Change in institutional strategy can only come from trustees.”
Moving forward, public university trustees in Wisconsin will no longer be held to the standard of “financial exigency”—a severe budgetary crisis—to terminate tenured faculty. In its place, the new standard allows for such dismissals when it is “deemed necessary due to a budget or program decision regarding program discontinuance, curtailment, modification, or redirection.”
Moreover, the Walker budget scales back the principle of “shared governance,” under which the faculty enjoyed a wide latitude of discretion in managing its own departments and disciplines. Now, faculty will serve in an advisory role to the chancellor on these issues.
Why these moves against tenure? State legislators are struggling to arrest tuition hyperinflation and the crushing student-loan debt that it produces. But it is not financial considerations alone that are at work here. To see this, consider the case of one professor who does not have tenure: Melissa Click of the University of Missouri (UM). She has become somewhat notorious as the journalism professor who called for “muscle” to eject a student journalist who was attempting to cover the UM protests last fall.
Viewing the video that captured Click’s actions, over 100 Republican legislators in the state are now calling for her dismissal from UM as well as that of a staffer who assisted her. In a letter sent to the UM administration by these state legislators, they argue, “The fact that, as a professor teaching in the communication department and school of journalism, she displayed such a complete disregard for the First Amendment rights of reporters should be enough to question her competency and aptitude for her job. It should be evident that these actions are inappropriate, illegal and unacceptable for a faculty member of the University of Missouri.”
But, apparently, this concern is not shared yet by enough faculty, both at UM and elsewhere. Consider the response of Professor Robyn Bell, president of the State College of Florida faculty senate. Opposing her school’s abolition of tenure, Bell argues, “If not for tenure, professors would be attacked every time there is a change in the wind. Part of our jobs as professors is to challenge the norm . . . and to get our students to think outside of the box. A continuing contract means I can do that without losing my job.”
Critics argue that Bell’s objection comes much too late. The whole point of the movements against universities in these three states is that too many professors at too many schools—far from “challeng[ing] the norm” and getting “students to think outside the box”—are instead enforcing principles and practices designed to keep students in the ideological box in which campus propagandists would entomb them.
Too many universities today do not “challenge the norm.” They are the norm. And the elected representatives of the people are beginning to shout, “Enough!”
Will the universities listen?