Credit Texas Senators John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison for being two of 10 senators who sent a letter to President George W. Bush, asking him to issue an executive order to conduct an immediate, state-of-the-art seismic survey of oil-and-gas potential in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
The Wall Street Journal writes, “Current law prohibits any ‘exploration leading to development of ANWR,’ but that prohibition is aimed at exploratory drilling. Seismic testing involves the equivalent of 3D photography and is environmentally benign, so Mr. Bush is well in his rights to issue the order. It’s time to get serious about drilling, and a new survey is a useful first step.”
It’s certainly nice to see leadership from the Lone Star State on federal energy policy – much like the leadership from Gov. Perry in seeking a waiver from the economically damaging federal ethanol mandate – as opposed to what is being put forward by the anti-domestic-drilling crowd and the Gang of 10.
– Drew Thornley