AUSTIN—Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation released the following statements in response to Gov. Greg Abbott’s State of the State address:
Kevin Roberts, executive director:
“Throughout Texas, in the cities and the towns, the plains and the piney woods, we share the same concerns—rising property taxes, a school finance system that is failing our kids and our communities, and rules and regulations that make us less free. Gov. Abbott’s State of the State address shows he understands our concerns and shares our priorities. By pledging to get a handle on property taxes, on ensuring that our public school dollars are spent on educating children, and by enacting measures that will make our communities safer, Gov. Abbott is leading the way in keeping Texas Texas.”
Vance Ginn, senior economist and director of the Center for Economic Prosperity:
“The Texas Model remains strong because of the liberty-friendly policies that allow entrepreneurs opportunities not available in most other places. Gov. Abbott appropriately noted Texas’ economic success supports human flourishing while highlighting the need for policy reforms that will continue to remove excessive government barriers.”
James Quintero, director of the Center for Local Governance:
“For the past 20 consecutive years, local property taxes in Texas have seen an average annual increase of 5.85 percent. In other words, Texas’ local governments have received a nearly 6 percent pay raise every single year over the past two decades. That’s simply not sustainable and now is the time for big, bold reforms.”
Kara Belew, senior education policy advisor:
“The Governor is dedicated to improving student results across Texas. Student results can be improved by repurposing existing tax dollars to provide merit pay for Texas’ effective teachers and principals and ensuring school boards and administrators focus on setting reading and math goals for every school and monitoring progress.”
For more information, please contact Sarah Silberstein at [email protected] or 512-472-2700.