SAN ANTONIO, Texas – The following statement has been issued by Texas Public Policy Foundation president Jeff Judson, following comments made by the executive director of the “Every Texan Foundation” comparing the two organizations and their tax status:
“We are not familiar with the ‘Every Texan Foundation,’ other than what we have recently read in the media. However, people should not confuse the two organizations for we have little in common.
“TPPF is a 501(c)(3) public education foundation founded in 1989. During the first few years of a non-profit organization’s existence, it must prove to the IRS that it has broad financial support and that its activities have been consistent with its non-profit mission before it is granted permanent non-profit status by the IRS. I suspect ETF is still in this provisional stage.
“However, TPPF passed this test long ago, proving we had a broad donor base and that the research we published met the test of a public education foundation. Our research and activities – while consistent with the principles of free market economics and limited government – are non-partisan. Our research is widely distributed to all legislators (most of whom are Democrats), the state’s media, our donors and to other members of the public, for purely educational purposes.
“Additionally, TPPF underwent a full audit by the IRS last year, in which the agency found no items that would lead it to believe that we were not operating within our non-profit purpose.
“While our work is open for public inspection, I suppose it is somewhat more difficult to examine the registration of voters, which is seemingly an almost inherently a partisan activity.
“Nevertheless, from our viewpoint, the IRS was extremely thorough and fair in examining our books. Offering friendly advice to my counterpart at the ETF: if he has nothing to hide he should eagerly anticipate – as I did – the results of an IRS examination, so his detractors would have nothing more to talk about.”