AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Comptroller’s office yesterday launched “Transparency Stars,” a new and informative open government initiative that recognizes “local governments for going above and beyond in their transparency efforts.” The effort credits local governments for financial transparency efforts, including providing downloadable datasets, creating visual representations of data, and expanding the amount of information available online to the public beyond traditional finances.
“Open government is good government,” said James Quintero, director of the Center for Local Governance at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “While Texas governments have generally excelled at making public information available online, some governments do a better job than others. The effort to recognize those that are standing out is a great way to not only highlight good governance, but also to incentivize more of it.”
For more information or to request an interview with Mr. Quintero, please contact Caroline Espinosa at [email protected] or 512-472-2700.
James Quintero is Director of the Center for Local Governance at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.
The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.