AUSTIN –Texas Governor Greg Abbott yesterday announced that he filed an amicus brief defending the preliminary injunction against President Obama’s executive amnesty. The Governors of Louisiana, New Jersey, and South Dakota also signed onto the amicus brief. Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Tenth Amendment Action Dr. Tom Lindsay issued the following statement:

“The Texas Public Policy Foundation commends Governor Abbott, as well as the Governors of Louisiana, New Jersey and South Dakota, for their efforts to protect the U.S. Constitution from the Obama administration’s assault. History shows us, unmistakably, that there can be no sure foundation for peace, prosperity, and individual rights if there is not a profound reverence, on the part of political leaders and citizens alike, for the rule of law. This multi-state amicus brief seeks to restore the rule of law and, with it, the conditions of human freedom.”

Dr. Tom Lindsay is the Director of the Center for Tenth Amendment Action and the Center for Higher Education at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. 

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin, Texas.

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