Last week, the Texas Public Policy Foundation announced the formation of the Election Protection Project, a new proactive initiative to protect the integrity and transparency of the voting process.

During the 2020 presidential election, hastily made changes to election systems across the country brought about confusion and distrust in both the process and the results. This new initiative will be on the ground in states across the country to ensure that the best election practices are implemented, at the county and precinct levels.

“This isn’t about tipping the scales in regard to the results, this is about ensuring we have a process that no matter the outcome, we can trust the results,” said Josh Findlay, Director of the Election Protection Project.

“Across multiple states in 2020, we saw reoccurring problems that were more the fault of Covid-inspired breakdowns in election safeguards than ill-conceived partisan schemes. Malfunctioning ballot scanners, inadequate voting machines, insufficient number of paper ballots, and most frightening, the outright denial in many cases of bipartisan election observers. When this happens in one county precinct it’s a problem. When it happens in multiple precincts, across multiple counties, in multiple states, we have a crisis that must be dealt with,” Findlay concluded.