Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation launched its Better Tech for Tomorrow initiative, which champions a bold, conservative approach to technology policy, innovation, and cultural issues. Our mission is to develop technology policy that promotes morality and civic virtue; protects the privacy, safety, security, autonomy, and dignity of Texans; and preserves Texas culture and values.

In advance of the 88th Legislative Session, Better Tech for Tomorrow announces the following three Liberty Action Agenda items:

  1. Pass a digital bill of rights
  2. Ensure federal broadband funding is prudently allocated to areas in Texas that lack broadband speed
  3. Enhance consumer protection on social media

“Texas has the ability to not just hold the line on the dystopian impacts of big tech, but to position the Lone Star State as a global leader for a conservative, values-driven approach to technological innovation and policy,” says Greg Sindelar, chief executive officer for TPPF. “TPPF has a robust history of producing sound research that keeps Texas Texan, and our tech policy campaign will serve to only further our effectiveness in this new arena.”

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Better Tech for Tomorrow campaign will provide resources and materials across the state to educate Texans on issues like broadband, data privacy, blockchain technology, big tech censorship, consumer protection, and more.

The Honorable Zach Whiting will serve as the Senior Fellow and Policy Director for this new campaign. Prior to joining TPPF, he served as a state senator in his native state of Iowa. In the senate, Zach was a leader on technology policy and championed conservative values, protected personal liberties, and worked to reduce the size and scope of government.

“Technological innovation should serve humanity—not the other way around,” said Whiting. “Our vision with this new initiative is to ensure a light-touch regulatory environment that allows for technological innovation while protecting privacy, upholding human dignity, empowering parents, and protecting the expressive rights of all Americans.”