The Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Texas Federation for Children celebrate the passage of SB1716, a powerful move by the House Public Education Committee that will provide additional educational support for special needs students. By lengthening and increasing the Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) program, families of special needs children will now have access to $1,500 grants to purchase needed education services. The bill can now be considered by the full Texas House.
Prior to the committee passage of the bill, TFC issued a call for the committee to stand up for special needs children and to make a commitment to them and their families. Thanks to the leadership of bill author Sen. Larry Taylor and Public Education Committee Chairman Rep. Harold Dutton, the bill passed 10-1 early Wednesday morning, a sign of that commitment.
“A child’s struggles after over a year of upheaval and potential learning loss are not going to evaporate even with a widely distributed vaccine. Children of all backgrounds and needs have lost ground this year,” said Emily Sass, policy director for TPPF’s Center for Innovation in Education. “Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable. TPPF appreciates the leadership of Chairman Taylor, Commissioner Morath, and Governor Abbott as they seek to help the next generation of Texans achieve their American dream.”