Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation applauds the efforts of Texas Sen. Brandon Creighton and Rep. Dustin Burrows to provide regulatory consistency for small businesses across the state, ensuring that Texas continues to be the best state in the country for business. The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Policy Director for the Government for the People Campaign James Quintero released the following statement regarding the legislation:

“There are dozens of reasons why Texas is the best state in the country for business, but its convoluted, unpredictable, and inconsistent patchwork regulatory system is not one of them. It is unreasonable to expect business owners to know every detail of every rule and regulation across thousands of jurisdictions.”

“The compliance cost alone kills jobs, increases prices, and discourages innovation and growth. The Texas Regulatory Consistency Act brings some much-needed common sense to the system, unifying the rules for conducting business in a predictable, reliable, and efficient way to promote compliance. Texas is already ahead of the pack and this critical reform from Senator Brandon Creighton and Representative Dustin Burrows will put our state even further in front.”