Today, the Texas Public Policy Foundation applauds the Texas State District Court decision in Potter County, declaring the city of Amarillo’s use of nonvoter approved debt instruments such as tax anticipation notes unlawful. The final judgment, coming from the 320th Judicial District in Potter County, struck down an attempt to finance a convention center expansion that was previously rejected by voters.

“Today’s decision is a major victory for Amarillo voters and a sharp rebuke of the attempt by Amarillo to violate Texas law,” said Robert Henneke, executive director and general counsel for TPPF. “Cities cannot be allowed to circumvent the democratic process with creative public financing tools when they get a result they don’t like. It’s time we made it clear that respecting the will of voters is not optional.”

“Amarillo’s attempt to use tax anticipation notes to pay for a project that had been rejected by voters is alarming. Unfortunately, Amarillo isn’t alone in its abuse of nonvoter approved debt instruments,” said James Quintero, policy director for TPPF. “Other local governmental entities have also been caught in the past doing much the same. State lawmakers should not allow these abuses to continue. Texans deserve better.”

Click here for the Final Judgment.