AUSTIN – The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Kathleen Hartnett White, Distinguished Senior Fellow and Director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment, will speak on the “Individuals, Liberty, and the Environment: Seizing the Environmental Issue” panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, March 15, 2013, at 10:30 a.m.


“Conservatives need to reclaim the moral and scientific high ground on environmental issues,” said White. “Although regulation has played a role, the driving forces for the stunning environmental improvements over the last forty years are innovative technologies and efficiencies. Thanks to the innovation made possible by economic growth within the dynamics of the free market, the United States now produces much more with less input, less waste, and less pollution.”


Other panelists from The Heritage Foundation include: Diane Katz, Jack Spencer, Dr. David Kreutzer, and moderator Becky Norton Dunlop, Vice President of External Relations. 

To schedule interviews, please contact Kristen Indriago, [email protected], or Joshua Treviño, [email protected].  Both can be reached at (512) 472-2700.