"This is a great day for the future of Texas' most troubled youths as this sunset consolidation bill will enhance public safety, improve outcomes for youths and victims, and reduce costs to taxpayers. This bill both consolidates and restructures the state's two juvenile agencies, enabling them to do a better job at a lower cost. Achieving such a win-win result is something conservatives, and indeed all Texans, can be proud of.
"We are pleased that the sunset bill does more than just merge two agencies. It includes key provisions that ensure independent oversight and accountability for all juvenile facilities, establish results-oriented performance measures, and emphasize cost-effective community-based programs instead of large, remotely located state lockups. We were pleased to assist in the development of this legislation and look forward to working with policymakers and juvenile justice practitioners to maximize its successful implementation."
Marc A. Levin is Director of the Center for Effective Justice at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin. He is a leader of the Foundation's Right on Crime initiative.
The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a non-profit, free-market research institute based in Austin.
Right On Crime website: www.RightOnCrime.com Foundation website: www.TexasPolicy.com
Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/TexasPublicPolicyFoundation Twitter feed: www.Twitter.com/TPPF
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