AUSTIN—In response to a healthcare plan released by the Republican Study Committee today, Right on HealthCare, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, issued the following response in support of the plan.
“We applaud the Republican Study Committee for communicating with stakeholders and including patients in the design of their healthcare framework,” said David Balat, director of Right on Healthcare. “This framework is a great start to protect everyone in the healthcare system and to put the focus on health care rather than health insurance.”
In the plan a clear distinction is made between a centralized government-run, one-size-fits-all product versus something that would empower, protect, and personalize healthcare options for people. The plan touches on the following initiatives for a better healthcare system:
- Health insurance portability
- Guaranteed coverage pools
- Tax benefit equality for individuals similar to that of employers
- Unleashing Health Saving Accounts
- Protecting Medicaid’s vulnerable populations
- Expanding access to innovative care
- Elimination of Certificate of Need requirements in states that still have them