AUSTIN—The Texas Public Policy Foundation is pleased to announce Rep. Jason Isaac will be joining the Foundation as senior manager and distinguished fellow of the Foundation’s Life: Powered initiative.
“With a deep understanding of energy issues coupled with first-hand knowledge of the Legislature, Jason will continue to be an effective advocate for policies that ensure affordable and reliable energy,” said Kevin Roberts, executive director of TPPF. “He has long been a friend to the Foundation and we look forward to welcoming him as a member of the team.”
The mission of the Life: Powered project is to ensure that Americans understand the connections between energy, prosperity and freedom.
“Around the world, people are living longer and healthier lives, poverty is decreasing, and our environment is cleaner than ever before — all thanks to advancements in energy,” said Rep. Isaac. “I’m excited to join the Life: Powered initiative to spread the word about the benefits of using America’s abundant, reliable, and affordable energy resources.”
A fourth-generation Texan, Isaac is a graduate of Stephen F. Austin University. He is a co-founder and board member of the Digital Education & Work Initiative of Texas. He was elected as a state representative in 2010 and championed legislation to reduce taxes, improve public education, and protect private property rights.