“As the lone champion of conservative principles during her tenure on the Austin City Council, Ellen has proven herself a fearless warrior in the battle to maintain liberty and individual freedoms at every level of government,” said Kevin Roberts, Executive Director of TPPF. “Her expertise and commitment will enhance our work here at the Foundation.”
Troxclair was elected to the Austin City Council in 2014 and is the youngest woman to ever serve on the Council. As a council member, Troxclair was the Chair of the City Councils’ Audit & Finance Committee and represented the City on the Regional Affordability Committee and the Capital Area Council of Governments.
“While serving on the Austin City Council, I saw firsthand how rising property taxes and stifling regulations are devastating families, who are being forced out of their homes and businesses,” said Troxclair. “While my time in office has come to an end, the fight on their behalf is not over. I am excited to join the Texas Public Policy Foundation and continue the work to keep taxes low, government small, and liberty alive – both for the benefit of my fellow Austinites as well as all Texans.”
Troxclair graduated with a business degree from the University of Texas and began a decade-long career in public policy. In addition, Troxclair manages a successful residential real estate business and is a founding partner of Luxe Property Group. In her spare time, Ellen serves as a member of the committee for the St. David’s Foundation Neal Kocurek Scholarship Fund, is a long-time volunteer with Meals on Wheels, a Steward of the Wild with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation, and a member of the Ballet Austin Board of Directors. Ellen and her husband reside in Austin with their daughter and their two dogs.