Bill Peacock, Director of the Foundation’s Center for Economic Freedom, will speak at the Heritage Foundation on Thursday, October 18th.
The Heritage Foundation and Competitive Enterprise Institute will convene experts and political leaders from around the country to discuss America’s fast changing property insurance environment. Particularly in the hurricane zone that stretches from Texas to South Carolina, homeowners have paid ever-higher homeowners’ insurance rates as government-backed insurance entities have grown ever larger.
This conference will focus on ways that the United States can retain a vibrant, private insurance industry that provides rationally priced insurance for everyone without placing an enormous burden on taxpayers. Mr. Peacock will share his research and assessment of the Texas property insurance market, especially related to windstorm coverage.
The conference will take place on Thursday, October 18th between noon and 3 p.m. CDT. Mr. Peacock will present on the first panel, which is expected to begin around 12:40 p.m. To view the webcast, click here.