Thursday, November 5, 2020
5:30 PM – 8:15 PM CDT
You’re invited to join the Texas Public Policy Foundation for an exclusive, online showing of Larry Elder’s “Uncle Tom” followed by a livestream post-film discussion and Q&A.
- Richard Johnson, Ed.D. (Moderator) – Director, Booker T. Washington Initiative, Texas Public Policy Foundation
- The Honorable Chuck DeVore (Panelist) – Vice President of National Initiatives, Texas Public Policy Foundation
- Damani Felder (Panelist) – Cast Member, “Uncle Tom”; Social Media Content Creator
- Chad O. Jackson (Panelist) – Cast Member, “Uncle Tom”; Small Business Owner; Native Texan
Movie Synopsis
In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America’s most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a different look at being black in America.
Featuring media personalities, ministers, civil rights activists, veterans, and a self-employed plumber, the film explores their personal journeys of navigating the world as one of America’s most misunderstood political and cultural groups: The American Black Conservative.
In this eye-opening film from Director Justin Malone and Executive Producer Larry Elder, Uncle Tom examines self-empowerment, individualism and rejecting the victim narrative. Uncle Tom shows us a different perspective of American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group.