Our live stream will begin at 11:30AM on Tuesday, November 14, 2019.
Robert Pondiscio, Senior Fellow and Vice President for External Affairs at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and author of How the Other Half Learns: Equality, Excellence, and the Battle Over School Choice will discuss his unmonitored observations on New York City’s Success Academy and share some of the secrets to Success’ consistently impressive outcomes for children. Mr. Pondiscio will then join a panel of experts to further discuss the issue of school choice.
- Emily Sass – Policy Director, Center for Innovation in Education, Texas Public Policy Foundation
- Robert Pondiscio – Senior Fellow and Vice President for External Affairs, Thomas B. Fordham Institute
- Starlee Coleman – CEO, Texas Charter Schools Association
- Colleen Dippel – Founder and Executive Director, Families Empowered
“We have set equity and excellence at war with each other in our schools, and none of the dominant narratives for or against charters adequately resolve this tension. Moving education and reform forward means letting go of tired ideological fights.”
-Robert Pondiscio