Wednesday, July 6, 2022
11:30 am – 1:30 pm CT

When President Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” he rallied a nation tired of lobbyists, politicians, and bureaucrats that seemed more interested in creating regulations, catering to special interest groups, and pursuing their own self-interest rather than faithfully representing the American people. However, there is much unexplained about the “swamp,” – how did it come to be? How can it be fully drained? What worked, and what didn’t? Join with TPPF’s Chuck DeVore as he hosts a candid discussion and book signing with Larry Schweikart, author of “Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and Their War with the Swamp.” Schweikart is an expert in the history of attempts to combat DC’s entrenched politicians, lobbyists, and bureaucrats and provides a unique perspective and view on the history of the Swamp.


  • The Honorable Chuck DeVore (Moderator) – Chief National Initiatives Officer, Texas Public Policy Foundation
  • Larry Schweikart (Guest) – Author, “Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and Their War with the Swamp”