Friday on The Chad Hasty Show, Chuck DeVore spoke with Chad about a number of topics, including tax cuts making their way to Governor Greg Abbott’s desk.

Talking about details on the tax cuts, DeVore said,

It looks like we’re on the verge of having the biggest cut in Texas in about ten years, about 3.8 billion dollars. We’ve got an increase in the homestead exemption for homeowners of about ten thousand bucks, which should save the average property owner about 120 bucks a year. And then we’ve got a cut in the franchise tax, the business margin tax of about 25 percent.

DeVore also talked about legislation still pending in the 84th Texas Legislature, dealing with education and transportation.

For more details, listen to the entire interview with Chuck DeVore in the video box above.

Chuck DeVore is vice president for policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Read More: Chuck DeVore's Update on Tax Cuts, Education, Transportation |