On Friday’s edition of The Chad Hasty Show, Chuck DeVore, Vice President for Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation joined the show from Austin to talk about the recently completed 84th Texas Legislature.
Devore began by citing the body’s restrained spending and the major tax cuts that were passed for the state. DeVore said,
What the legislature did, is I think they increased Texas’ competitiveness, and they did it by cutting taxes and fees about four billion dollars over the next two years.
DeVore continued pointing out the fiscally conservative nature of the 84th Legislature, saying,
Part two is they held the budget in check. They actually kept budget growth within population plus inflation, far more restrained than two years ago. So this legislature was very fiscally conservative and that is really important for the long-term health and viability of the Texas economy.
DeVore also talked about other accomplishments and the Foundation’s plans during the interim before the next Legislature begins. DeVore spoke too about some of the items that did not pass in the legislative process, including school choice.
Listen to the entire interview with Chuck DeVore in the video box above.
Read More: Chuck DeVore Summary of 84th Texas Legislature | http://kfyo.com/chuck-devore-summary-of-84th-texas-legislature-interview/?trackback=tsmclip