With Congress about to impose major economic hardships in the form of pending federal legislation mandating carbon dioxide emissions, the American public must be concerned about climate change. But a recent Gallup poll on national priorities indicates otherwise.
Thirty-five percent of those polled said they were most concerned about the economy. The Iraq war was next at 21%. No other issue cracked single digits. “Environment/pollution” registered at 1%. Climate change/”global warming” didn’t make the list.
Past Gallup surveys have asked, “What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?” Here is how “environment/pollution” has polled:
December 2006: 2%January 2007: 2%February 2007: 5%March 2007: 2%April 2007: 3%May 2007: 2%June 2007: 2%
So the United States is poised to handicap its economy and drastically raise its energy prices over an issue regarded as the greatest threat facing mankind by many politicians, activists, journalists…and almost nobody else. Something just doesn’t add up.
– Drew Thornley