Grassroots conservatives were a little dismayed at the Legislative Budget Board’s recent decision to adopt a spending limit for fiscal 2014-15 (10.7 percent) which is above the projected rate of population growth and inflation (9.85 percent). The concern here being that we’re living through unprecedented times and that now, more than ever, we need to keep a tight rein on the growth of government spending so as not to jeopardize Texas’ economic success.

At the time, Board officials, including the Lt. Governor, were quick to point out their intentions of keeping spending as low as possible; but yesterday, much to his credit, the Lt. Governor reassured conservatives and the public in a much more direct way that the Senate would do its part to keep the 2014-15 budget at or below the population growth and inflation.

From his letter to Deputy Secretary of State Coby Shorter (see also below):

“…I intend, as I stated in the meeting, to not pass an appropriations bill out of the Texas Senate in which state appropriations exceed the growth of inflation and population in Texas for Fiscal Years 2014-15.”

As we all know, keeping the growth of government spending in check is critical to private sector growth and job creation, neither of which can happen successfully with an unrestrained government. That’s why this is such an important issue.

Below is Lt. Governor Dewhurst’s letter to Deputy Secretary Shorter:

