Better Tech for Tomorrow champions a bold, conservative approach to technology, innovation, and cultural issues. Our mission is to develop technology policy that promotes morality and civic virtue; protects the privacy, safety, security, autonomy, and dignity of Texans; and preserves Texas culture and values. Better Tech for Tomorrow believes that:

  • Technological innovation and policy should serve humanity—not big technology companies or governments that create, protect, and abuse their power
  • Texans should have data privacy standards that put them in charge of their data and make the data more secure
  • Consumers, particularly minors, ought to be afforded protections from harms associated with social media use
  • Technological innovation ought to be encouraged by a light-touch regulatory environment while still upholding human dignity, empowering parents, and protecting the expressive rights of all Americans
  • Texas can and should be the preeminent state for principled technological innovation