Wednesday, December 4, 2013
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Texas State Capitol
Members Lounge - Room E2.1002

The Texas Public Policy Foundation

Is College Grade Inflation Undermining Workforce Competitiveness?


In the 1960s, 15% of all grades awarded in U.S. colleges were A’s. Today that number has grown to 43%. In just 50 years, an A has gone from the least awarded grade to the most awarded grade in college. From the grades awarded, some might think business and industry have the most intelligent pool of workers in our history.  They would be wrong. Today, a recurring complaint from employers is that there are not enough talented candidates applying for positions.

So, are our students graduating college with the know-how to keep pace in today’s changing market, or is mediocre teaching and learning hiding behind Monopoly-money A’s?


Representative Scott Turner 
Member, Texas House of Representatives 

Brian Roberts, Ph.D.
Professor, Political Science at the University of Texas at Austin 

Thomas Lindsay, Ph.D.
Director of the Center for Higher Education at TPPF

Wednesday, December 4, 2013 | 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
State Capitol | Members Lounge | Rm. E2.1002 | Austin, Texas 78701