Monday, August 2, 2021
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM CT

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As the crisis along the southern border rages on into the summer, the number of illegal border crossers entering the country with COVID-19 continues to increase. The Rio Grande Valley Sector alone has experienced a 900% increase in confirmed positive cases in the first two weeks of July compared to the previous 14 months. Despite all this, the Biden administration is considering putting an end to Title 42—a public health order put in place by the Trump administration that required U.S. border officials to remove illegal border crossers to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Join TPPF CEO Kevin Roberts as he hosts U.S. Congresswoman Yvette Herrell, who represents New Mexico’s 2nd district. They’ll discuss the ongoing crisis at the southern border, and what conservative lawmakers are doing to stop the Biden administration from making it even worse.


When you RSVP, you will receive more information on how to tune in, a reminder before our event is live, plus access to the video if you’re unable to watch in real time or want to share it with friends and neighbors.

The livestream can be viewed Monday, August 2nd at 12PM CT via the following links. Watch via YouTube to submit your questions during the live Q&A.