The Facts

* Over the last 150 years, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has roughly doubled, to 390 parts per million, and, at current rates, is projected to more than double again over the next century. 

* Average global temperatures have risen about 0.8 degree Celsius over the same period, much less than the change that models would predict.

* Global average temperatures have not risen over the last 17 years.

* The last several years have seen growing discrepancies between observations and climate model projections, evidence of lower climate sensitivity to increases in CO2, increasing Antarctic sea ice extent, and evidence that recent sea level rises are no more than in some previous periods. 

* For the U.S. to achieve an 85% reduction in GHG emissions—the global reduction promoted by the IPCC to avert dangerous interference with the climate—emissions would have to be reduced to a level not seen since the 19th century. 

* EPA’s proposed restrictions on GHGs are expected to increase the cost of a vehicle $3,100 by 2025, and, if successful, would prevent only 0.01 degree Celsius of the expected warming, according to EPA’s own estimates. 


* Urge federal policymakers to establish an independent, rigorous review of IPCC science.

* Suspend state programs that require or incentivize GHG reduction.

* Eliminate EPA regulation of CO2 emissions.