Two weeks ago, the Texas Public Policy Foundation hosted its Sixth Annual Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature, the state’s largest and most prestigious policy conference. The feedback on this year’s event was tremendous, both on the variety of topics and quality of speakers.
Our impressive roster of panelists this year included Comptroller Susan Combs; prominent legislators from both parties; district attorneys Craig Watkins (Dallas County) and Susan Reed (Bexar County); experts from such organizations as the Pacific Research Institute, the Cato Institute, the National Center for Policy Analysis, the American Enterprise Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, the Reason Foundation, the Federal Reserve Bank, and The Wall Street Journal; and academics from the University of Illinois, University of Houston, The Ohio State University, Boston University, and the University of Minnesota.
If you were not among the 800 people who joined us in Austin for this year’s conference, you can now participate online. All of the audio from the keynotes, as well as the audio and slides from the panel discussions, is now available in the Multimedia section. We hope to have streaming video of the four keynote speeches within the next few days.